Do people still read nowadays?

Currently working on an ad for a health centre. Let you guys in on the brief.

PSA Ad for a Health Centre

Smoking Kills. That’s a fact. The client, as a health centre, would like to sound off a warning to current smokers and most importantly new smokers that smoking causes almost every disease of mankind. The ad will be featured in a lifestyle magazine targeted at young adults.

Target audience:
Smokers and wannabe smokers. Young adults and executives.

Key message:
Mainly as a Community Message to the general public in regards to their health and others.

With such target audience and ad medium, we decided to be trendy and selected a tablet application visual. This is ‘SMOKEit2.0’. It resembles an application about smoking with the current selected module being the ‘Cause of Death’. Visual stimulates the viewers itch to scroll the module which has an unlimited listing of diseases related to smoking.

On the other page is a short write up about smoking, the cause and so on followed by the company’s official footer/signoff. The write up area closely resembles the exclamation mark but can be vaguely noticed.




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